Cocobel flavours are created with mostly local produce and inspired by the unique Trini palate. We like our flavours vibrant and our food well seasoned, so each perfect mouth-sized chocolate morsel is made with an individual taste story, romantic or spicy or adventurous!
We purée or dry fruits - guava, mango, sorrel - in season, and make our own nut butters and pralinées - with no artificial flavouring or preservatives.
Cocobel bonbons may include cream, butter, nuts and natural fruit purées. It is recommended that they be eaten within 10 days of collection so you enjoy them at their best!
They may be stored short term at 18 to 22 degrees Celsius in an airtight container in your refrigerator. If you are collecting chocolates during the day, a small cooler bag is recommended.
Academy of Chocolate 2019 Awards
Milk Bean to Bar Flavoured
Transforming T&T - Making Things New
By Pat Ganase
CONTACT MAGAZINE – The Voice of Business in Trinidad & Tobago
Vol.18, No.1 – April 2018
The Chocolate Revolution in Trinidad & Tobago | Cookup
Trinidad and Tobago’s cocoa has long been considered among the best in the world, even though production has been declining for decades. A new generation of artisan chocolatiers are hoping to change that trend — while creating unique world-class chocolate products at home. Franka Philip finds out more.
Caribbean Beat | Issue 145 (May/June 2017)
By Franka Philip
Anthony Bourdain - Parts Unknown - 14 June 2017
“THE PERFECT DAY: The Perfect Day in Port of Spain”
Author: Tishanna Williams, Photography: Kibwe Brathwaite
36 Hours In Trinidad
By Nell McShane Wulfhart - The New York Times
Thursday 23rd February 2017 - Photography Meridith Kohut
Art of the Times: A Look Back at T&T’s 2016 art scene
By Dr. Marsha Pearce, Trinidad Guardian, Sunday 1st January, 2017
“Isabel Brash: Building a Chocolate Empire
Newsday, Sunday 6th November, 2016
By Ann Vanderhoof - Islands Magazine, 1st November 2014
The Makers
A Big Box Of Crayons, July 7th 2014
Brown Gold: Trinidad's Local Cocoa Renaisance
Trinidad’s cocoa is among the world’s best, but for decades the finest beans have been exported. A new grassroots movement is taking this natural bounty and making extraordinary chocolate products at home. Liana Crooks reports.
By Liana Crooks, Caribbean Beat | Issue 130 (November/December 2014)
A Chocoholic's Guide To the Caribbean
By Sarah Sekula, Special for USA TODAY April 18th 2014
Devant and the Chocolate Factory: How to Maximize the "Golden Opportunity"
By Julien Neaves - Newsday, Thursday 6th February 2014
Art Meets Chocolate
By Magella Moreau
WOW Magazine, Trinidad Guardian, Sunday 22nd December 2013, Page 13
Dr. Biden visits Cocobel Chocolates in Trinidad
The Obama White House, Published June 5th 2013
US Vice President Joe Biden visits TT
Newsday, Thursday 30th May 2013
A Chocolate Tour of the Caribbean
By Baz Dreisinger - The New York Times, Friday 9th November, 2012
TTFF New Media Exhibition
September 22nd - 30th, 2012
The Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival will be holding their second New Media exhibition at Medulla Art Gallery.
Works are curated by Holly Bynoe and Nadia Huggins of ARC magazine.
A Delectable Feast for the Senses
By Serah Acham - UWI TODAY, The University of the West Indies, February 2012
A Chocoholic’s Guide to the Windwards and T&T
By Ann Vanderhoof, Caribbean Compass, May 2011
Beyond the Bean
By Melanie Archer
MACO Caribbean Living, Volume 13, Issue 1